Participating Members
Mai Endo, Fonchi, Suzuka Morita, Nao Asahi, Ami Kikuchi, Ai Okawa, Kaede Hashimoto & Yuna Ito
Hidetomo Masuno, Sara Hosogai
Song Performances
Eve [Idoling (2010)]
Main Segment
Iwarerukamo Quiz!
(What am I showing? Quiz!)
(What am I showing? Quiz!)

Try to get it right this time! Oh wait, all the members that are here today are all the comedian...
The title of the segment is really long... "If you knew this, then you might get people to say [Ah! You really know your stuff!]!!!" Basically, Masuno will be showing some random stuff and the girls need to guess what's the name of the thing that's being shown. Still that's really one really long name for a single segment. All the staple members for quiz segments are here though, Suu-chan, Asahi and Kaede.

Its Hosogai Sara again as the supporting MC. She's still very tense around the show XD

LePro girls camwhoring
On to the quiz, the first subject is this:

I didn't know that there's a specific name for that decoration and neither do most of the girls too. Its the thing you put inside your lunchbox for decoration. Masuno said that he had tons of them at home since his family prepares lunchboxes for a living it seems. There were a lot of weird answers but nothing beats Suu-chan

Apparent what Suu-chan wanted to say is grass. But she goes from Breeze into Brief which causes panic to the 1st gen.
The 2nd subject is:

talk about random stuff

the 3rd stuff is this

Kaede's answer. She wrote Water perfectly in katakana but it was written in the alphabet as Wootra and plus she used T + " to make it sound "D" just like how it is in the Japanese katakana [と][ど] = [to] [do] And Yuuna just followed Kaede's answer. Somebody needs to call Thane Camus to teach these girls some English.

Asahi's pronunciation was pretty awesome though.
Next up

You see this at Japanese festivals a lot, its used to scoop up goldfish


Oh! Delicious!

Bon Jerance!
The answers are so messed up that the time left for the announcement were so short and Hosogai wasn't able to read them up. Amimi apologizes to her for the mess because Hosogai looked so worried about not being able to read the announcement properly. That's what you get when you put in Suu-chan, Kaede and Asahi though. Overall, this is an awesome episode and a total Suu-chan ownage. Plus she looks like Kotoha from Shinkenger this time around, epic win.
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