
Idoling 7th Live ~Jinsei = Shuugyounaringu!!!~

We now have information on the group's next live, and with the 4th generation audition playing a big part this might be the most exciting concert yet, depending on how you look at it of course.

The concert will take place at Tokyo Kouseinenkin Kaikan ten days from now on 1/24. Two performances are scheduled with the evening one being broadcast as usual on Fuji TV Next. As for the audition, there are currently 15 nominees announced which can be found here.
The nominees will make an appearance at the stage on the 7th live, where they can make further appeal to the audience.

Source: Idoling!!! Official Web Site


Idoling!!!'s 3rd album in March

With barely 6 months since the release of their 2nd album, Idoling!!! will be releasing a 3rd album on 3/3 this year. There will be 4 versions available according to JBook:

Premium + Standard + Low-price edition (31000574) which includes all version privileges and makes you eligible for a lottery of winning a signed poster.

Premium edition (PCCA-3106)
Standard edition (PCCA-3107)
Low-price edition (PCCA-3108)

More information on tracklist and the contents of the DVDs will be updated when available.